Asnakech's Story: High-volume Cataract Campaign Cures 940 Patients of Blindness in Southwest Ethiopia

We have partnered with the Himalayan Cataract Project on seven cataract surgical campaigns since 2014, and this year's partnership was, as always, truly remarkable. We are grateful for the countless miracles we witnessed over the years. I would like to share one final story that captures the incredible impact of the cataract campaign. We met Asnakech shortly as she had her surgical bandages removed from both eyes.

Asnakech Haillemariam, a petite 70-year-old woman from Yem, went blind in both eyes two years ago- she could no longer do anything alone for fear of getting injured or lost- becoming completely dependent on her children and young grandchildren. “I was heartbroken when I went blind and didn't understand why I became blind…many times, I wished to die. I couldn’t find a reason as to why I became blind. Why?”

Asnakech had cataract surgeries in both eyes the day before we met her- “I had aches at bedtime, but I didn't think about the pain- it’s vision!” Her vision was fully restored. “I want to see the faces of my grandchildren- I haven’t seen them in a long time. They protected me from fire, from many things, but I couldn't see their faces- I wish to see their faces!”

She and two busloads of patients traveled 6 ½ hours to Hossana Hospital from Yem for cataract surgeries. Over the course of six days, 940 patients received cataract surgery- 940 lives and the lives of their families changed. We are grateful to have partnered with the Himalayan Cataract Project over the past nine years. This year’s campaign was, as always, a week of miracles!